Tak cukup dengan class hari Rabu lepas, I attended another class with Lynn Hassan. This time, the attendees are all otak gila2x. Asyik dok gelak sakan je.
The class started at 11am, abis at 4pm. It was a 'baking' class, unlike the other classes that I attended previously. We learned how to bake bistro-like cupcakes, tell u semua sedap2x belaka. Highly recommended. Sila la gi belajar. If not, sila order saja.
Masuk2x class, I was surprised to find Nad Farannie was there. She's a friend of a friend. Ordered cupcakes twice from me. I always know that she has this thing for baking, and a very2x sweet tooth too! So, bila nampak tu...happy je cos dah ada gang kan.
Bake, bake. Deco, deco. By the end of the class, I ended up with 6 new friends - Tini, Ana, Kak Pah, An and the ever so famous Cupcake B'licious. Who would have thought??
Apa2x pun, I had great time learning. And sharing stories. Now only I know, baking soda is actually soda bicarbonate. Thanks to Nad for asking that question during class!
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