Rule of thumb when planning for dinner, I normally make sure ada 2 dishes - 1, the main dish and another should be vege-based. So, this fritata is the vege-based which I made to complement the pizza that I made for dinner recently.
The recipe is so simple. Senang gila nak buat especially if some preparations have been made prior to the actual masak day. In bullet points, as I recalled:
- Boil potatoes and mix vegetables till half empuk.
- Mix together eggs, salt and pepper.
- Masukkan both potatoes and mix vege in small bowls.
- Pour in the egg mixture.
- Sprinkle in the cheese as finishing touches.
- Bake till cooked.
Dah tak igt berapa lama and what temperature I used as, this had to depend on specific oven. So, try and error, trust own instinct, agak2 dah masak tu, keluarkan aje.
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